Let Us All Help, Guide, Teach & Encourage Others in Need as did LtCol FREY throughout his military, work & personal life.
Let Us All Help, Guide, Teach & Encourage Others in Need as did LtCol FREY throughout his military, work & personal life.
The official USMC Military Police Badge (5803) of LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.) now in the cherished possession of GRANT's (twin) Brother, GREG (Art by: Kevin Read, entrepreneur & franchisor of Sacred Art Tattoo Hawaii).
As most followers & donors of our Public Charity know, the original LOGO of SeMPer FREY, Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation ----- The O.G. if you will ----- was envisioned by our Foundation's Founder & Bd. Pres. who wanted every letter, every color & every aspect of the LOGO to pay tribute to & to honor our namesake, LtCol. Grant V. Frey, USMC (Ret.), and it does thanks to the artistry & vision of KEVIN READ. HERE IS a sensational VIDEO of our LOGO. It quite literally "comes to life."
Ronald Regan, 40th President of the United States
Your MONEY donation will help us to continue our mission. A mission which will forever honor & pay tribute to LtCol. FREY's lifelong desire to help & give guidance to those most in need. Every dollar counts and will make a HUGE difference in the lives of those we serve, ALL in LtCol. FREY's name & honor. Hit one of many links on just about every page of this informative Website, OR Scan a QR Code.
Our small yet extremely dedicated group of volunteers "do what they do" out of their collective respect for LtCol. FREY. Each wants and make a difference, ALL to honor & to pay tribute to LtCol. FREY. Want to HELP? Want to get involved? What to make a difference too? Your time and skills are appreciated. Hit one of many links on this informative Website to send us an email. We assure you. WE WILL RESPOND.
Stay up-to-date on all the latest news and happenings at SeMPer FREY Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation by following us on social media. We're active on Facebook (Hit the link below) & Instagram ( @semperfrey ) ( ). In order to "get the word out," and to gain followers & supporters, we really depend upon the regular & constant engagement & involvement of all our supporters, friends & donors. Like. Comment. Share. Do it often.
We're always looking for new partners, new sponsors & new benefactors to collaborate with on projects and events which are designed & intended to generate MONEY donations & to bring in folks who want to HELP. Our Website's "Foundation Events" page keeps ALL informed re: events & important things that have happened, are happening & will happen going forward. If you and/or your organization share(s) our Foundation's values and our heartfelt mission, let's work together to make a positive impact just as LtCol. FREY would have done in life & would have wanted now. Hit one of several links found throughout this informative Website to express your desire to "link-up" with us to HELP SeMPer FREY, Inc. raise money & increase donations in order to HELP others via meaningful & important GRANTS. Our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
Help us raise awareness of our mission and programs by sharing our website, social media pages, and events with your friends, family, and business connections. Engage with us. Tell "anyone & everyone" you know to do the same. Over time, our modest Foundation hopes to be "well known," BUT it will NEVER happen without our supporters' energy & effort. HELP SeMPer FREY, Inc. become "well known," and in the process raise money to HELP folks who need the MONEY, ALL in keeping with our charitable mission & goals. We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
Your support of this Website & of our Social Media platforms, to include our Facebook page & our Instagram page & of "Anything & Everything" our Charitable Organization tries in earnest to do is absolutely essential to our future success & stability. Your monetary contribution(s) will enable us to meet our goals and to improve conditions for so many people who need economic support if not simply "a helping hand" now & then. Your generous donation(s) will fund our grants in order to fulfill our mission and our Mission Statement. Your KOKUA is needed & appreciated, all in honor of LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.). We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
Let us be as honest, open & transparent as possible. This nonprofit Charitable Organization, made-up of a bunch of dedicated & hardworking folks many of whom knew & respected GRANT for most of his (and their) entire life is a proactive 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization which will help those people, entities and companies who find themselves in desperate and dire need of some form of financial & related assistance because of circumstances well beyond their control, and because of circumstances that arise through no fault of their own. It may be because of disasters caused by the killer COVID-19 virus. No matter the reason(s), this nonprofit's mission is to perpetuate & honor GRANT's lifelong passion to help, guide, teach & encourage others in need -- to insure that this philosophy will continue long after GRANT's death. GREG thought long & hard about just how these important goals (which were, quite honestly, GRANT's "lifelong calling" as he literally was in life a Charitable Organization "in action," if you will) could be reached & realistically achieved. Perhaps as part of his own & his family's healing process, it came to him quite quickly and very clearly. The point is this.
Our nonprofit 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization, established to honor GRANT, will carefully review all requests for financial & related assistance (IMPORTANT NOTE: Applications for financial assistance/a financial "GRANT Award" from our nonprofit are NOW available on this website; SEE, Page 8, "Request a Grant Now"), and will distribute & award "GRANTS" going forward to those worthy and deserving in the opinion and at the discretion of the Board of Directors & Officers, and in keeping with the purpose and mission of this nonprofit 501(c)(3) as indicated in its Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws, and in accordance with State, Federal and applicable IRS laws (i.e., the ""legal stuff" if you will) (SEE ALSO, Articles of Incorporation filed 01/08/2021 [SOH DCCA]).
THIS SITE IS LAID-OUT with specific purpose, intention and strategy. Simply put, it will tell you all there is to know about what we hope to accomplish as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization going forward and perhaps most importantly, how you can get involved, either as a donor (SEE, page 7, "Many Ways to Donate Now") or grantee (SEE, page 8, "Request a Grant Now") or simply as a spirited & devoted friend to and/or a valuable team member of our Foundation and to its purpose. READ ON (and as you do, IF you are so inclined or simply that inspired, "Scan the Link" to donate monies; you'll find our Charitable Organization's QR CODE on Page 7 of this website, appropriately entitled, MANY WAYS TO DONATE NOW, & "Buttons" & "Links" throughout almost each & every page of this Website which once hit will take you directly to our PayPal or our Go, Daddy donor's page(s) which is/are very "user-friendly" and has/have been created especially for ALL who want to financially help us to financially help others just as GRANT would have done & in fact did his entire life). It's as easy as that, and would literally "mean the world" to our modest Public Charity. We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
IF you have any questions about this Website after reading this detailed & informative write-up about each page of our site, OR if you have any ideas about this Website, we invite you to "talk story" with our dedicated Foundation team. We welcome IF NOT invite your comments & ideas. Our dedicated team wants to "talk story" with YOU!! So, "Let's talk story, K!?!
Our nonprofit Charitable Organization has taken great care to try its best to create an interesting and informative and content driven website which will be visited over-and-over again by our donors and grantees and supportive friends, to include our nonprofit's "official" BLOG, "GREG Talks GRANT." It'll be a BLOGtastic Time (found here on this Page 1, "Home - Our Story & BLOG." Our Founder & President, P. Gregory Frey ("Greg" to his family & friends & to each of you!), has tried his best to put together a site which reads a bit like a book (complete with pictures and video and a bunch more interactive content), and hopefully it is every bit as entertaining! A story. A story of dedication, devotion, spirit, loyalty, focus, energy & drive. In fact, truth be told, it's the story of LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.), to include why our nonprofit will do what it will do going forward in his honor. As indicated at the LEFT SIDE of each page of our webpage, the site is currently made-up of NINE main pages, each with numerous relevant sections, to include lots of interesting write-ups and links and pictures (& perhaps most importantly, pictures & descriptions of Foundation events designed & intended to raise not only monies from dedicated donors and supporters (SEE, Page 4, "Past & Present Events"), BUT also to raise awareness and the public profile of our fledgling nonprofit 501(c)(3)) (SEE, page 4, "Past & Present Events"). Certainly, it is our nonprofit's hope and wish that each of you finds this site to be both interesting and informative. But we take nothing for GRANTed. So, don't hesitate to offer "hot tips" and related ideas & suggestions & comments (via and through Page 9, the "Keep in Touch/Contact Us" page, & via "Buttons" [aka links] on almost each & every page of this Website). We'd really like to hear from you & to consider your constructive and interesting ideas! Let's face it, this website has been created FOR YOU, and we want to ensure that it contains "anything & everything" needed to inspire each of you. INSPIRE YOU to donate monies, to get involved and to help our nonprofit help others as GRANT would have wanted in life. In order to better do this, and to keep all those who (frequently) visit this site inspired, our Board Secretary, Mia Fialho Frey, will take the lead as the Administrator of not only this site, but also all of our nonprofit's related Social Media pages & platforms, to include our Facebook and Instagram page(s). So, please get in touch with MIA directly whenever you feel the need to offer a good suggestion or two (, AND of course, FOLLOW US (& ask / invite ALL your Social Media friends to do so as well. Be Interactive. Be engaged. Be Involved. LtCol. FREY would have wanted it no other way.
Here, on this very page, you'll learn a bit about our humble beginnings and why our nonprofit was established (i.e., the "4-1-1" or "backstory" if you will). There are sections on our "Home - Our Story & BLOG" page (i.e., this Page 1 of our website) which allow those who are of a mind to really get to know what motivated LtCol FREY; what drove him throughout his military & professional & personal life, if you will. This Home - Our Story & BLOG page offers touching & emotional pictures which truly represent GRANT at his finest & at his most personal. This page basically tells & shows the world what GRANT was all about, what he truly believed in and why his passions & goals have now become those of our fledgling nonprofit & its dedicated 'Ohana ("family"). In the end, it is hoped that our Home - Our Story & BLOG page will inspire each and every Donor & Supporter of our Foundation to donate monies to help our nonprofit to fulfill its mission and to achieve its goals; just as GRANT would have wanted (if not expected). In order to make "the act of giving" all that much more easy & convenient for you, this "all important" Page 1 also has several "buttons" to hit (aka links) to allow you to send us an email or to immediately take you to our Foundation's donation/giving page ..... YEP, it's just that easy!! As you enjoy the many pictures & captions and as you take an emotional journey "down memory lane," we hope that you'll be as passionate & interested about "what made GRANT tick" as he was in & about life, to include an exceptionally emotional pictorial section about GRANT's "bucket list" dream which sadly & regrettably was taken from him when GRANT was taken from us........Super Bowl LVI on February 13, 2022 @ SoFi Stadium, Los Angeles CA. Yet, despite the emotions involved, our Foundation's Founder / Bd. Pres. & our Sec. / Treas. & GRANT's dearest friend from "Keiki Days," RIA, made the trip to SUPER BOWL LVI with GRANT in spirit. He was no doubt there with all 3 of them (Mia & Greg & Ria) as his beloved RAMS were crowned World Champions of "The Big Game." .
IF all this content, llnks, emotional pictures & text / writings / recollections & remembrances are not enough, then there is ALWAYS lots to do, lots to offer, lots to contribute and lots to read on our recently-launched "Official" BLOG. Say ALOHA to (& get "super involved" with) "GREG Talks GRANT. It'll be a BLOGtastic Time, also found on this content-rich Page 1.
IF you have any touching & meaningful pictures you'd like to share with us (& would like our dedicated Foundation team to include on this SITE for all visitors to enjoy going forward), please share them, and don't forget to give us the "backstory" so that all of us here who work so hard to honor LtCol FREY can & will be as touched as are you. We'll even give you credit & kudos for your generousity!
Sure, just as the name of this Page 2 of our website implies if not comes right out and clearly says, our nonprofit wants each and every one of our friends, fans, supporters, grantors, grantees & donors to be inspired & motivated. Let's face it, we need each of you to want to get involved with us, with our fledgling nonprofit. We hope to inspire you year-after-year, EVERY year, to help us accomplish our mission. As it says right up front on the Home - Our Story & BLOG page (SEE, "Banner Quote" on Page 1 of our website), "Let us all help, guide, teach & encourage others in need as did LtCol FREY throughout his military, work & personal life". We need and simply must rely on each of you to do this, and we hope to inspire this volunteer & philanthropic spirit in each of you ----- year-after-year, every year ----- by the touching & emotionally impactful sections proudly placed on this Page 2 of our website. Frankly, it's just about that simple. This "A Hui Hou, LtCol Frey" page (i.e., Page 2 of our website, if you will) goes far beyond simply asking interested folks to get involved (Remember, Mia Fialho Frey, our Board Secretary & our nonprofit's Webmaster & Social Media Administrator, anxiously wants to hear from you, and is eager to regularly interact with our donors, supporters & friends) ( Bluntly stated, this touching page tells you just how emotionally affected so many folks are by GRANT's tragic & untimely death. It starts doing just that via & through a 10-minute or so video which no doubt will not only inspire you to financially help our nonprofit, but also no doubt will change your life. As we local folks of the 808 Island State commonly & affectionately say, "It's Chickenskin". "'Fo Real, it is!"
Certainly, truth be told, it is hoped that after you have carefully read these several pages of our informative & emotional website (to include the "Home - Our Story & BLOG" page, this "A Hui Hou, LtCol Frey " page, the "Past & Present Events" page, the "Meet Our Foundation 'Ohana" page (as well as the "Be a Director. Apply Now" [Application] and the "Many Ways to Donate Now" and the "Request a Grant Now" [Application] and the "Keep in Touch/Contact Us" pages which follow this Page 2 of our website), you'll come away with a true and genuine understanding & appreciation of our mission and our goal(s), and you'll want to donate monies to help support the mission & purpose of our nonprofit, and/or you'll want to get involved somehow and in some way, ALL in tribute to and in honor of LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.) (SEE ALSO, Articles of Incorporation filed 01/08/2021 [SOH DCCA]).
A recently added BUT extremely important Section / page can now be found at Page 3. "NEWS FLASH - Read & React" includes "real time" information, events & write-ups which we, the dedicated & hardworking volunteer staff of this modest Public Charity, genuinely believe ALL our supporters, donors & friends need to know, and need to know NOW. Immediately, IF NOT "yesterday." READ this Page 3. REACT to this Page 3. You will make a difference if you do, and each time you do. As says the famed NIKE motto, "JUST DO IT." Do know, though, that this Section will change. As "News Flash" events happen, you'll find them here. Then, they will be gone only to be replaced by other equally as important and as worthy "stuff." COME BACK to this Page 3 often. You'll no doubt be glad each time you do.
Our Board Secretary / Treas. & our nonprofit's Webmaster & Social Media Administrator, Mia Fialho Frey, anxiously wants to hear from you, and is eager to regularly interact with our donors, supporters & friends. Email her. (
This recently added Section / Page 3 is quite frankly & honestly a product of the times we now find ourselves living in & trying our best day-after-day to "make it" the best each of us can. There seems never to be a day that doesn't bring drama, challenge, heartbreak, destruction, tragedy & ofttimes, loss if not death. As tough as these events may be for all of us to know about and/or deal with, deal with we must. Consequently, this extremely important Page 3. "NEWS FLASH - Read & React" was born. Here it is. It includes "real time" information, events & write-ups which we, the dedicated & hardworking volunteer staff of this modest Public Charity, genuinely believe ALL our supporters, donors & friends need to know, and need to know NOW. Immediately, IF NOT "yesterday." The topics, subjects & stories will change as does our lives & our communities & our world. The inaugural write-up, for instance, dealt with the tragic LAHAINA WILDFIRES & MAUI's utter devastation,and how & why our Foundation can & still wants to HELP (with the HELP of each of you, our supporters & friends). READ this Page 3. REACT to this Page 3. You will make a difference if you do, and each time you do. As says the famed NIKE motto, "JUST DO IT." Do know, though, that this Section will change. As "News Flash" events happen, you'll find them here. Then, they will be gone only to be replaced by other equally as important and as worthy "stuff." COME BACK to this Page 3 often. You'll no doubt be glad each time you do.
Each & every fundraiser & "friendraiser" event planned & staged by our Foundation's dedicated & hardworking Board of Directors & Officers and our loyal volunteers is an event which the entire SeMPer FREY 'Ohana ("family") is exceptionally proud of, and more so appreciative of all monies raised / donated. So proud are we that our Foundation will make a point to feature write-ups & pictures of each fundraising event as each is staged going forward (& provide write-ups & pictures of meaningful & successful PAST Foundation Events so that all Donors & Supporters will remember these GREAT happenings of yesteryear, of "days gone by," if you will (here in GRANT's 808 Island State of HAWAII & throughout the mainland States).
Certainly, truth be told again (as with the other website pages described above & below), it is hoped that after you have enjoyed this "Past & Present Events" page, you'll come away REALLY wanting to donate monies to help support the mission & purpose of our nonprofit, to include future fundraising events, ALL in tribute to and in honor of LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.). We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
DO YOU HAVE A GREAT IDEA FOR A FUNDRAISER, OR do you or your Company want to partner with SeMPer FREY, Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation to stage one OR more successful Fundraisers and/or "Friendraisers?" IF SO, our hardworking Foundation Team wants & needs to hear from you!! Hit this link and email us now. We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
This page goes well beyond simply giving-out the traditional "4-1-1" or "backstory" usually found on other sites of this kind. Rather & quite to the contrary, our "Meet Our Foundation 'Ohana" page (i.e., Page 5 of our website, if you will) takes great care to provide far more than just the essential information about our nonprofit and its reason for being. That was the job of this Page 1, our "Home - Our Story & BLOG" page, and this page did it very well! Here, you'll come away with a far better understanding and appreciation of why our Foundation 'Ohana ("family") is so dedicated & so prepared to "do what it takes" to ensure that our nonprofit succeeds and is very successful going forward. Our Foundation's leadership were (& still are) all deeply devoted to GRANT & to his way of thinking & living. These people knew GRANT very well, and each has been affected by being a part of GRANT's life. Perhaps more importantly, truth be told, each of our dedicated Board Directors & Officers has been gravely affected by GRANT tragic & untimely death, and have collectively decided to channel their grief to make sure that SeMPer FREY, Inc. does going forward what GRANT always did in life - help those in need when they need it most.
The direct contact information for each of our dedicated Bd. Officers & Directors is also included; DON'T HESITATE to contact any OR all of them to ask a question or two, offer a comment or even inquire, "How do I become a Director of SeMPer FREY, Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation? Let's face it, our fledgling Foundation NEEDS EACH OF YOU, and of course, your $$$$$). We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
Lastly, from time-to-time, our Public Charity's formal By-Laws require that there be an "opening" on the Board of Directors. If & when this happens (AND it does, again because of the requirement that our Charitable Organization must comply with its own By-Laws), PLEASE consider applying for the position. IF you are passionate about the mission of our modest foundation, the experience of Board service might quite literally change your life. READ all about the application process at Page 6 of this informative Website, entitled "Be a Director. Apply Now." AGAIN, as the famed NIKE slogan goes, "Just Do it."
The very success & future stability of SeMPer FREY, Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation depends upon keen, dedicated, loyal & proactive leadership, NOW & perhaps more importantly, in the future for decades to come. Truth be told, it takes a rather special & unique type of person to even want to be considered for a position & a seat on any Philanthropic Board of Directors, and our Public Charity's Board is no different. It's a commitment (if not a "life's calling"), and one that should only be made by folks who are dedicated to the vision & the goals of our modest Charitable Foundation, and only by those who truly want to try their best to do what it takes to insure that SeMPer FREY, Inc. enjoys every success possible going forward, and that the Foundation assists people and organizations and entities in ways consistent with our Public Charity's Mission Statement (SEE, Articles of Incorporation filed 01/08/2021 [SOH DCCA])(SEE ALSO, the section below, "The Purpose, Journey & Mission Begins Here," at sub-section, "Our Mission"). IF THIS IS YOU, read this page 6 very carefully, and then contact us to tell us that YOU want to join our dedicated BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Your decision to be considered, IF you'll do so, is greatly appreciated by our fledgling Foundation beyond words. Stated another way, our Charitable Organization needs your talent & dedication & loyalty. All you have to do is HIT the "Action Button" below, and then email us to express your interest. We'll take it from there! Get involved! HELP our Charitable Foundation HELP others just as LtCol. GRANT V. Frey, USMC (Ret.) would have done in life and no doubt wants YOU to do now. Remember, as NIKE says, "Just Do it."
Our Foundation hopes if not expects that after our donors & grantors & supporters have enjoyed each & every page of this informative albeit exceptionally touching & emotional website, everyone will want to do exactly what this Page 7 of our website says and asks. "DONATE NOW!" More specifically, this informative Page 7 tells everyone that there are "Many Ways to Donate Now." The very success & future stability of SeMPer FREY, Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation depends on (monetary) donations. Humbly, our nonprofit asks, "hat in hand," for each of you to "Open Your Hearts. Open your Wallets." You can easily do so by a quick SCAN of the QR CODE conveniently located at Page 7 of our Website, OR by hitting any of the "Donate Now" buttons (aka links) located throughout many pages of this Website, OR just "DO IT" (in the famed words of NIKE) right here & now. Again, NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL & ALL donations are (not only tax-deductible, but also) appreciated by our fledgling Foundation beyond words. HIT THE LINK below to donate any amount you can, from the heart. No amount is too small, and ALL amounts are greatly appreciated! We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
Our nonprofit Charitable Organization wants to give meaning & purpose & a true sense of accomplishment to each and every one of our friends, fans, supporters, grantors & most especially to our selfless donors. Simultaneously, our nonprofit wants to & quite frankly must honor & comply with our MISSION STATEMENT (SEE, below, at the next section, "The Purpose, Journey & Mission Begins Here," at the sub-section entitled, "OUR MISSION")(SEE ALSO, Articles of Incorporation filed 01/08/2021 [SOH DCCA]) Let's face it, we need the monies donated by each of you to "go to" those folks who face overwhelming hardship(s) caused by insurmountable medical and/or financial circumstances (We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!). BUT, in order to accomplish our (essential if not vital) mission (& at the same time, to comply with our Foundation's formal MISSION STATEMENT), we need prospective GRANTEES to download our Application to apply for a "GRANT" Award, and to send the fully & accurately completed form in for consideration. Our dedicated Board of Directors & Officers will carefully screen & evaluate each and every application with an eye toward awarding GRANTS to ALL who merit (& really need & deserve) monies. In a few words, this process is the ONLY reason our Charitable Organization exists, and every GRANT awarded will be in tribute to & will honor LtCol GRANT V.FREY, USMC (Ret.).
Our dedicated & hardworking Foundation team hopes to inspire you year-after-year, EVERY year, to help us accomplish our mission. As it says right up front on the Home - Our Story & BLOG page (SEE, "Banner Quote" on Page 1 & throughout each informative page of our Website), "Let us all help, guide, teach & encourage others in need as did LtCol FREY throughout his military, work & personal life." Frankly, it's just about that simple. It's fitting & proper for our nonprofit to reach out to & always value our donors, grantors & supporters as often as possible. Your generosity deserves nothing less! Armed with your generosity, our nonprofit will be able to award GRANTs to folks who not only need financial assistance, BUT who will no doubt be beyond appreciative. It's truly a "win-win" scenario, and one we hope to repeat "over-and-over" again going forward.
AGAIN, its starts with completion of the Application for a "GRANT" Award (YES, you guessed it; this is a deliberate "play on words!"), and as clearly stated at Page 8 of our Website, the Application is truly & without question our MISSION & Raison D'etre.
BUT, of course, all those who are considering this opportunity & who may wish to download & fill-out the Application for a "GRANT" need(s) to know "The Rules of the Road" BEFORE applying for a "GRANT" in order to help & to make the entire overall process & procedure as easy as possible. For this reason, the GRANT Policies (& Procedures) are also available on this page 8 to read & to download. Take advantage of this opportunity. No Shame. It's exactly what GRANT would want & would ask you to do as a deserving GRANTEE.
Sure, just as the name of Page 8 of our website implies if not comes right out and clearly says, our nonprofit wants each and every one of our friends, fans, supporters, grantors, grantees & donors to "Keep in Touch / Contact Us". Let's face it, we need each of you to want to keep in touch with us, and through this regular & constant contact & communication & interaction, we hope to inspire you year-after-year, EVERY year, to help us accomplish our mission. As it says right up front on the Home - Our Story & BLOG page (SEE, "Banner Quote" on Page 1 & throughout each informative page of our Website), "Let us all help, guide, teach & encourage others in need as did LtCol FREY throughout his military, work & personal life". We need and simply must rely on each of you to do this. Frankly, it's just about that simple. This "keep in touch / contact us" page (i.e., Page 8, if you will) goes far beyond simply asking for those folks interested to learn more about our devoted & dedicated 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit Public Charity & how to get involved, however, it also asks for your "all important & essential 4-1-1," to include your email address & your USPS mailing address ("Fun Fact:" Donors are certainly free & encouraged to mail-in donation checks as well -- it need not strictly & only be limited to "on-line donation portals." Stated another way, "Snail Mail" works well for many, and therefore works great for us as well. Please use these contacts. It allows our Foundation to regularly keep in touch with each of you. Stated a bit differently, it's fitting & proper for our nonprofit to reach out to & always value our donors, grantors & supporters as often as possible, AND we'd like each of you to do the same! Your generosity deserves nothing less than our regular interaction & communication with you. Help us do just that. We need you to contact us so that we can "return the favor," and regularly contact you going forward. Please be reminded, though, that another GREAT way to keep in touch is through regular exchange(s) via our nonprofit's "Official" BLOG, "GREG Talks GRANT.' It'll be a BLOGtastic Time, not to mention getting really connected to our Facebook & Instagram pages. Let's face it, Social Media & related platforms is THE norm today, and our modest Foundation tries its very best to be as "plugged-in" as possible to this on-line reality.
Tragedy certainly has profound & everlasting affects. Life will never be the same in many ways. Tragedy is a stark & difficult fact of life. Yet, from it, purpose & life's calling is born!
As terribly difficult and challenging and upsetting the totally unexpected death of LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.) has been on his family, friends, colleagues and also upon everyone he knew, a few of these profoundly saddened & distraught folks who have been so positively and energetically affected by LtCol FREY (let's refer to him here, and elsewhere in this informative website, as GRANT, with no intention to offend those readers and supporters of this website & nonprofit who are more formal and proper, especially in the military sense) have come together, not only to support each other in our collective time of need, BUT perhaps even more importantly, to honor and pay tribute to GRANT, each and every day going forward, and this website & nonprofit will go a long way toward perpetuating this tribute & everlasting respect. So many selfless & dedicated folks have stood-up tall, raised their (individual & collective) hands high, and said with pride, "I'm here to help as GRANT did in life & would have done now & going forward."
Our Board, Leadership & dedicated team members intend to honor GRANT and to pay tribute to his life by doing "anything and everything" possible to insure that this nonprofit thrives & develops & becomes a powerful and meaningful Charitable Foundation overtime which will help others who face difficulties and unexpected challenges and tragic events beyond their control (& through no fault of their own), much as GRANT did in 2020 with dignity and honor as he literally fought for his life against all odds and every prognosis to beat and conquer the deadly COVID-19 virus, IF only for a mere eight days after hospital discharge.
Tragedy certainly has profound & everlasting affects. Life will never be the same in many ways. Tragedy is a stark & difficult fact of life. Yet, from it, purpose & life's calling is born! From it, SeMPer FREY, Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation is born, AND behind it, a dedicated & hardworking team! A selfless & hardworking team which stands tall, hands raised high, and says each and every day, "I'm here to help others just as GRANT would have done."
Our nonprofit Charitable Organization hopes to adopt & embrace a saying if not motto LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.) often passed on with hope and passion to his (twin) brother, P. GREGORY "Greg" FREY. Simple and yet so meaningful, not only to these two brothers who literally had each other's back "since day 1", but also to each and every person involved with this meaningful and well-intended nonprofit.
"Start Small. Then Stand Tall".
LtCol FREY (again, as with all other sections & pages of this informative Website, let's refer to him here informally as GRANT, again with no intention to offend those readers and supporters of this website & of this nonprofit 501(c)(3) who are more formal and proper, especially in the military sense) was so many things to so many people. BUT, one thing and ideal and passion and loyalty was always crystal clear in his approach and in his life, no matter with whom he was dealing and/or interacting, GRANT did everything with a HEART bigger than most, and with an infectious enthusiasm and keen sense of encouragement that simply can't be matched by most others.
It is this zest to help, to mentor, to guide and to teach that GRANT was quite frankly famous for which every person involved with this nonprofit wants to move and to take forward as it tries in earnest and in good faith to do its charitable work and to accomplish its mission, all in GRANT's name and in his honor, and to pay tribute to his life (SEE, Articles of Incorporation filed 01/08/2021 [SOH DCCA]).
EMBRACE OUR HUMBLE BEGINNINGS TO HONOR & TO PAY TRIBUTE TO LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.) and HELP US TO HELP OTHERS just as GRANT would have done & in fact, EXACTLY what he ALWAYS did in life! We say again, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
SeMPer FREY, Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation was filed (& therefore, incorporated in the State of Hawaii as a nonprofit Corporation) on JANUARY 8, 2021. As part of this application, review and approval process, the following "Mission Statement" was advanced with conviction and purpose to the State of Hawaii's Dept. of Commerce & Consumer Affairs ("SOH DCCA"), and our nonprofit 'Ohana humbly asks you, our donors & followers & supporters, to enthusiastically EMBRACE OUR MISSION (& Reason for Being) TO HONOR & TO PAY TRIBUTE TO LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.):
"This nonprofit intends to use any and all charitable donations / monies received (less reasonable costs and expenses) to assist people & organizations & entities who / which have been profoundly and/or irreparably impacted by the medical and/or financial devastation of COVID-19, AND beyond this Global Pandemic, this nonprofit intends to assist people and organizations and entities who / which are similarly profoundly and irreparably impacted medically and/or financially by external circumstances beyond their control and through no fault of their own. Any and all assistance provided by the nonprofit, financial or otherwise, shall be made in honor of and in tribute to GRANT V. FREY, Lost to COVID too soon after a courageous battle to beat this deadly virus."
SEE, Articles of Incorporation filed 01/08/2021 (SOH DCCA)
Our nonprofit's Mission and underlying "Mission Statement" (& reason for being) has been made all that much more potentially successful as a consequence of this very Important "News Flash" / Announcement: ALL money donations are now tax-deductible [in accordance with & pursuant to applicable Federal & State laws -- See & Consult your Tax Professional]. The 501(c)(3) application for tax-exempt status has been APPROVED by the IRS as a 509(a)(2) Public Charity by Letter 947 dated 10/12/2021.
As tragic and unexpected the death of LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.) has been for so many, the loss of this great man will not be in vain. Rather, and far from it, like a Phoenix which ofttimes rises in triumph from the ashes of despair & defeat, GRANT's (as he is informally referred to here and throughout this informative Website with all due & fitting respect) untimely death has created and fueled the passion, purpose, energy, commitment & drive necessary to not only create this worthy nonprofit, BUT also to insure that anything and everything that needs to be done to literally guarantee the success & celebrity of this charitable foundation will be done, and done with pride, conviction and purpose. GRANT's spirit & energy will forever live through this nonprofit and its charitable purpose and mission. (SEE, IRS Letter 947 dated 10/12/2021 approving & granting 501(C)(3) tax-exempt status as a 509(a)(2) Public Charity).
Please allow our spirited and dedicated team to share with you, the many supporters of this nonprofit & its worthy mission and meaningful purpose, a writing (EXACTLY as written "back then") which was authored & offered to dozens of GRANT's family, friends, colleagues & others who may not have known him well but certainly mourn(ed) his untimely passing. This touching message reads much like a rather emotional if not sympathetic book. In this case a book of non-fiction. In other words, it's all true, and here it is:
GRANT V. FREY (whose name and whose life is the reason for the creation of this nonprofit), never backed down from a challenge, no matter how daunting. He always did what it took to succeed, no matter the effort. His recent tragic illness was no different. After 3 very difficult months in 3 hospitals (ICU, Rehab, PT) literally fighting for his life against dreaded COVID-19, GRANT beat all odds and every prognosis. GRANT survived & beat the dreaded COVID-19 virus, and he was discharged to a standing ovation on 12/18/20, only to die 8 days later on 12/26/20 in his sleep of COVID (his internal organs were simply too damaged to sustain his life) on his way to his new job & new home & new life in MO. PHILIP GREGORY "Greg" FREY, creator and founder of this nonprofit, is GRANT's (twin) brother, and is doing this extensive start-up work (and is currently assuming and paying all costs of this start-up work with the support of his wife, MIA) to honor his brother GRANT who did until the very end what he always did in life. "He fought the good fight", and lived by the informal (albeit exceptionally important and meaningful) motto of this nonprofit, to wit: "Start Small. Then, Stand Tall".
A nonprofit Corporation has but only one primary purpose, and that is to offer financial grants, help and other related assistance to those people, entities and companies deserving of financial and other forms of help. This is done through the nonprofit's charitable foundation, of course consistent with its Articles of Incorporation and its By-laws and its Mission Statement (SEE, Articles of Incorporation filed 01/08/2021 [SOH DCCA]).
SeMPer FREY, Inc. is the nonprofit corporation. The Wishes GRANTed Foundation is the dba of our nonprofit. (Trademark pending)
The success, stability and longevity of both the nonprofit and the charitable foundation depend(s) on numerous factors & circumstances. Certainly, the Leadership (to include the Board of Directors & the Board Officers) and team members need to work hard, with conviction and purpose, and each will do just that, and more! BUT, truth be told, the "main ingredient" to not only the successful "start-up" of this worthy nonprofit & foundation, BUT also to its stability and longevity going forward is $$$$$. DONATE NOW.
Yep, you guessed it. Money. "Greenbacks". Kala. Cash. Dollars. Scratch. By any name, donations from those who believe in this nonprofit & foundation and from those who wish to honor not only GRANT's spirit and energy, but also the worthy purpose and mission of this Charitable Foundation are not only needed but desperately needed to help our nonprofit "get up & running" and "on its feet". We say again, & have throughout the many pages & sections of this exceptionally informative website, our dedicated Public Charity simply can't exist without dedicated Donors & Partners & Sponsors & Benefactors like YOU. HELP US HELP OTHERS!
We would greatly appreciate all the financial help we can get from every person who is positively affected by our nonprofit & by our mission & most of all, by GRANT. ln fact, let us be as transparent and straight forward as possible. SeMPer FREY, Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation will not be successful & won't be able to meaningfully assist folks in real need (as would GRANT & as he did his entire life) UNLESS monies are contributed to get our nonprofit not only "off the ground," but also to insure its success & stability going forward.
Our nonprofit's application to the IRS for tax exempt status as a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization was carefully & critically prepared and then submitted (after literally hundreds of hours into the preparation of this application as well as other required materials), Thankfully (& perhaps as a "reward" of sorts for the quality of the prepatory work), the IRS approved this rather complicated and very detailed application, by Letter 947 dated 10/12/2021. ALL MONEY DONATIONS TO THIS WORTHY NONPROFIT ARE NOW TAX DEDUCTIBLE (in accordance with & pursuant to applicable Federal & State laws -- See & Consult your Tax Professional).
In more emotional terms, ALL MONEY DONATIONS YOU GIVE NOT ONLY COME FROM THE HEART (because of your keen desire to honor and pay tribute to GRANT, our friend & to many, our Hero), BUT ARE ALSO TAX-DEDUCTIBLE (which certainly gives you the "extra special" motivation and reason(s) to "dig deep" and to "open your wallet(s)"). Won't you please consider making a donation right now (or most assuredly, BEFORE you leave our informative site)? It's SO EASY & SO SIMPLE. Our modest Charitable Organization partners with several "easy to use & easy to understand" donation portals, to include PayPal & Go, Daddy & our newest partner, (SEE, Banner @ top of this and of every page / every section of our informative albeit emotional website).
PLEASE STEP UP, OPEN YOUR HEARTS & YOUR WALLETS, ALL TO HONOR & PAY TRIBUTE TO LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.). HIT THE LINK to Donate Now! Many people have, and some repeatedly & at rather impressive if not "high" amounts of money. Folks like KELVIN N. ASAHINA, DDS & The BLUE KNIGHTS CA VI & BRADLEY A. COATES & TOM S. TANIMOTO & The WHEELER 'Ohana & so many more! JOIN THEM. PLEASE JOIN THEM.
THE O.G. The original goalie jersey worn by GRANT in the touching photo of his L&C (tka LCC) HOF soccer team which now proudly hangs in the L&C Athletic HOF. This important part of GRANT's athletic history has been donated to L&C
Our modest Foundation is always looking for suitable "stuff" to proudly offer to gracious donors as a "GWD." Here's a fitting tribute to LtCol FREY which may be produced by SIGNATURE COINS. Like it?
These "plaques" were created to proudly affix on the unique presentation box which held GRANT's L&C (tka LCC) original "HOF photo" goalie jersey gifted to the L&C Athletic HOF.
The essentials to be gifted by "TWGF" to the L&C Athletic HOF.
The newest "GWD," an unique wood grain decal, gifted to all donors who graciously give $50.00 or more.
Our "TWGF" Founder proudly holds the presentation box & tribute plaques to be gifted to the L&C Athletic HOF.
Our dedicated Sec./Treas. joins our Founder, both ready to gift GRANT's famed O.G. goalie jersey to the L&C Athletic HOF.
GRANT may have been a KAISER COUGAR goalie, BUT our Founder quickly found a fellow CRUSADER brother, a L&C goalie.
GRANT's (twin) brother, GREG, is the co-owner of the PACIFIC INK & ART EXPO dba HAWAII TATTOO EXPO together with local celebrity entrepreneur, DANNY CASLER. DANNY staged "choke" "drive-in movie" nights throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and on the very evening GREG was in the "car audience," to watch one of his favorite films of yesteryear, THE GOONIES, up popped this emotional & touching tribute, narrated by "radio-voice" DANNY. No lie, GREG's car immediately filled-up with tears!
The visionary & artistry of KEVIN REED, a co-founder of the PACIFIC INK & ART EXPO & founder / owner of the famed SACRED ART TATTOO Brand, created not only this alternate version of the Foundation LOGO, but also the Official LOGO which is literally "all about GRANT." This pic. is also featured with pride & emotion in both GALLERY #1 above & GALLERY #3 below.
A HUI HOU is an exceptionally important part of the formal "TWGF" logo.
The expert & visionary craftsmanship of CORTNEY BROWN, one of our nonprofit's dedicated & selfless Board Directors. MAHALO to CORT & ALLIE's KUNA KRAFTED for this emotional tribute to Allie's beloved "Uncle G." (Note: Cort & Allie's KUNA KRAFTed was making this custom plaque for GRANT's new MO home; repurposed at his death for his brother, GREG & 'Ohana. Talk about emotional [It's quite alright ....... CRY!]).
GRANT devoted every year to helping out at the PACIFIC INK & ART EXPO dba HAWAII TATTOO EXPO., working hard to coordinate & run the daily Tattoo Contests -- A Fan & Artist favorite. SO, it was only fitting that a emotionally special tattoo be created by a famed Island tattooer to honor GRANT's support of the tattoo community. Artist: FRED SACATROPEZ.
Eagle, Globe & Anchor, "local style." This one-of-a-kind coconut tree carving proudly "lives" in the yard of GREG & MIA, our dedicated & hardworking Bd. Pres. & Sec. / Treas. respectively.
INK is Forever. This "Flash" was created to honor & pay tribute to GRANT by famed Island State tattoo artist, Bruddah FRED SACATROPEZ, a very close friend of "The Col" (as so many folks referred to GRANT, affectionately & with honor).
The finest & most meaningful tribute. The entire U.S.M.C proudly dawned their badges for one entire month after GRANT's untimely & tragic death.
"TWGF" is an official charity of The San Diego Blue Knights, CA VI
Heaven 1. There is no finer honor. Visit: This pic. is also featured with pride & emotion in GALLERY #1 above & GALLERY #3 below.
One of our Founder's proudest moments. A guest of honor at the Blue Knights CA VI FIRST ANNUAL 2023 GVF Memorial Poker Run.
CA VI honors & pays fitting tribute to ALL its fallen.
One of the 3 tickets to Super Bowl LVI was to be for GRANT had he survived to physically be in his seat. Certainly, however, GRANT was there in spirit
Our modest Foundation humbly yet enthusiastically thanks each & every supporter & friend of SeMPer FREY, Inc. who supported this (Second) Annual Memorial Poker Run. Visit:
ABOVE: Grant's formal Promotional photo as a member of the L&C (fka LCC) Board of Alumni. Grant was almost more proud (or, more likely, "just as" proud) of his work as a dedicated 2-term member of the L&C (fka LCC) Alumni Bd. than he was of his (eventual) induction with his fellow teammates to L&C's Sports Hall Of Fame. ( visit: ).
Grant was many things to many people, and throughout his life, literally from the day he was born, Grant excelled. He worked hard. He learned. He contributed. He listened. He overcame. He conquered. In a few words, and stated a bit differently, Grant was truly amazing. This ability to "figure stuff out" was never more apparent than when he traveled across the sea, from his 808 Island State home of Hawaii, to the Pacific Northwest to attend LEWIS & CLARK COLLEGE ("LCC" nka L&C). He was a skilled soccer player out of KAISER HIGH SCHOOL in Honolulu, and in 1979 brought that talent and desire to win to the LCC nka L&C Men's soccer team at Lake Oswego, Portland, OR It worked. It worked extremely well.
Grant was the LCC nka L&C Pioneers' (ofttimes now called, PIOs) Goalkeeper, and was awarded the team's "Most Valuable Player Award" his Junior year. A year earlier, as a Sophomore, the 1980 Pioneers Men's Soccer was sensational, and almost made it to the NAIA National Championship game. This exceptional accomplishment, among many others, led to the well deserved induction of that "well-oiled" team into the Lewis & Clark Sports Hall of Fame in 2011 ( visit: ).
As exceptional as this accolade & accomplishment was, to and for Grant & his fellow teammates & for LCC's nka L&C's athletic reputation, Grant was almost more proud (or, more likely, "just as" proud) of his work as a dedicated 2-term member of the LCC nka L&C Board of Alumni, and his time on its Athletic Hall of fame Selection Committee (IMPORTANT UPDATE: Grant worked very hard for years to bring back to the College and to the Athletic Dept. the LCC Men's Soccer Program which had been discontinued many years before Grant devoted his energies & efforts to the Alumni Bd. & to the Athletic Sports HOF. Although Grant left us before the decision was made, he is no doubt smiling ear-to-ear from above knowing that LCC has formally announced its decision to bring back Men's Soccer to the College, and the Men's team is now fully "up & running," competing with "heart & soul" as it has always done!).
This loyal, longstanding and important work no doubt contributed to the decision of several equally dedicated LCC nka L&C Alumni (many of whom were LCC athletes alongside Grant "back-in-the-day" and/or fellow members of the various LCC nka L&C Boards Grant was so devoted to serve on with distinction & honor) to "do what it takes" to create & found the GRANT V. FREY, SR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. Could there be a bigger tribute than this? Grant certainly would be flattered & humbled by this recognition. No doubt, GRANT would givwe all the credit & kudos & accolades to everyone else, NEVER himself. GRANT was just that kind of guy, that kind of athlete.
Yet another "News Flash / Important Update:" Thanks to the generous spirit of Grant's heirs, to include LINDSAY FREY '11, and Grant's former wife, Lisa Synan Frey, Grant's (twin) brother, GREG, was gifted Grant's original LCC Soccer team game Jersey, and GREG then quickly decided to work directly with LCC nka L&C Leadership to donate this prized & emotionally important piece of LCC nka L&C athletic memorabilia to the LCC nka L&C Sports HOF for proper & fitting permanent display in Grant's honor (as a symbol of his respect & devotion to both his Alma Mater & to the recently resurrected LCC Men's Soccer Program) (SEE also, "Past & Present Events," Page 4 of this website, @
PRESENT, UPCOMING & FUTURE EVENTS & FUNDRAISERS," for an emotional & touching write-up & pictorial about the "chicken skin" ceremony which took place in GRANT's home town of Hawaii, with the L&C Men's & Women's soccer teams [then in the islands to compete as part of their exciting & competitive seasons], when & where this touching gift was "entrusted" to the L&C Athletic Dept. for presentation to its Athletic HOF).
ABOVE: 1980 men's Hall of Fame soccer team (Grant is front row, fourth from left) : SeMPer FREY, Inc. is also privileged & proud to have made its very FIRST "Grant" (donation) to this same worthy Scholarship established in Grant's honor. (SEE also, "Past & Present Events," Page 4 of this website, @ PRESENT, UPCOMING & FUTURE EVENTS & FUNDRAISERS," for a detailed write-up about this exciting & thrilling, albeit ""small kine Grant" [donation]).
Here is the "4-1-1" about this worthy Memorial Scholarship, and why those who respect Grant and who wish to honor him should seriously consider a donation to this worthy cause (in addition to on-going & regular financial support of this, of our modest, nonprofit & its mission, of course!). In the polished & fitting words of the founder & initiator of this Memorial Scholarship, Sheila Gallagher ’85:
"The Grant V. Frey, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in March 2021 with the mission of honoring Grant V. Frey, Sr. who died in December 2020 (Editor's Note: ..... of COVID-19 after a brave & dignified fight for his life in the hospital for several months) at the age of 60. We want to continue Grant’s “aloha” spirit!
Grant V. Frey, Sr. was born in Newport Beach, California (Editor's Note: "Back-in-the-day, known as Balboa) and raised in Honolulu, Hawai`i. He graduated from Lewis & Clark in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science degree. Grant also earned a Master of Science degree from Indiana University in 1984 and Master of Military Studies degree from Marine Corps University in 2001.
Grant played goalkeeper on the Pioneer men’s soccer team during all four years at Lewis & Clark and received the “most valuable player award” in 1981 as a junior. During his sophomore year, he was a member of the 1980 men’s soccer team which was inducted into the Lewis & Clark Sports Hall of Fame in October 2011.
Grant retired from the U.S. Marine Corps in 2008 with twenty-two years of service as a Lieutenant Colonel (Military Police Officer). He went onto a civil service career as the Executive Director of the Marine Corps Police Academy at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego, California. He has two grown children – Lauren living in Fredericksburg, Virginia and Grant, Jr. (nka Lindsay) who graduated from Lewis & Clark, BA ’11, and resides in Portland, Oregon
Grant was dedicated to Lewis & Clark College, and was a member of the Board of Alumni for 6 years. In addition, he was a member of the Athletic Hall of Fame Nominating committee. In both capacities, Grant provided much needed organization and direction as well as smiles and fun. Both as an undergrad and as an LC Alumni Volunteer, Grant had the Pioneer Spirit and exemplified the liberal arts student - smart, passionate, fun - and used his skills to not only serve our country but serve LC and his family.
Please consider a donation to the Grant V. Frey, Sr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund. An anonymous donor will match the first $12,500 and our goal is to raise $50,000 by March of 2026. If our goal is not met by then, the scholarship will be awarded as an annual scholarship.
(IMPORTANT UPDATE: Whether it be the general & overall philanthropic generosity of LCC nka L&C Alumni & supporters OR perhaps a sign of just how much Grant may have meant to the LCC nka L&C Community, the Memorial Fund created to honor Grant has wildly exceeded expectations & initial projections. Over $35,000. was raised "almost immediately," to include a rather significant donation by Grant's estate pledged, made & paid (by & through the graciousness of GRANT's two heirs: his two adult children, LINDSAY '11 & LAUREN) (Add'l. Editor's Note: SeMPer FREY, Inc. is also privileged & proud to have made its very FIRST "grant" to this same worthy Memorial Scholarship established in Grant's honor. SEE, "Past & Present Events," Page 4 of this website, @ PRESENT, UPCOMING & FUTURE EVENTS & FUNDRAISERS," for a detailed write-up about this exciting & thrilling, albiet ""small kine Grant" [donation]).
GOAL MET & SCHOLARSHIP FULLY FUNDED: According to the founder & initiator of this Memorial Scholarship, Sheila Gallagher ’85, this touching & meaningful scholarship has been fully funded in record time. The LCC nka L&C & greater community ----- most of whom cherished their time with GRANT in life ----- stepped-up "big time." and gave lots of money very quickly. A truly amazing accomplishment, and all involved should be very proud -- of themselves and of GRANT. BUT, even though fully funded, additional monies are always welcome & appreciated ... READ ON.
PLEASE STILL CONSIDER TO DONATE NOW: Here's the links to donate monies directly to the LCC Scholarship created to honor GRANT & his contributions to his Alma Mater. Although the scholarship is now fully funded, LCC will ALWAYS gladly accept additional donations to this fund. SO PLEASE DO consider donating in Grant's name (& do it NOW, if can!):
After you "Feel Really Good" about donating some $$$$$$$ to this most-worthy & very exceptional Memorial Scholarship endowed & created in honor of our Foundation's namesake, Grant V. Frey, then please hit this link below to read all about just how talented & skilled & "unbeatable" the 1980 Men's Soccer team was "back-in-the-day,' and why the team's induction into the LCC Athletic HOF "all those years ago" was so damn "right" and so damn fitting and so damn worthy. In a few words, Grant's team was DAMN GOOD!
Copyright © 2021. SeMPer FREY Inc. dba The Wishes GRANTed Foundation - All Rights Reserved (Trademark pending) (Member, Hawaii Alliance of Nonprofit Organizations ["HANO"]).
This Foundation is NOT endorsed or sanctioned or financially supported by the Heirs of GVF's Estate or by the Heirs' Affiliates & Agents, if any.
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Aloha & Mahalo for visiting our "Built from the Heart" website. We know you'll enjoy every page, article & picture. We want to inspire you to Get Involved & perhaps DONATE if you can in honor of LtCol GRANT V. FREY, USMC (Ret.).